Tennis Injuries- UFIXU

Shoulder Impingement

What is it? A tendon (band of tissue) inside your shoulder rubs or catches on nearby tissue and bone as you lift your arm. It affects the rotator cuff tendon, which is the rubbery tissue that connects the muscles around your shoulder joint to the top of your arm.

What is it caused by? Over time, repetitive impingement leads to cartilage and labral damage.

What are the symptoms? Shoulder stiffness, pain and weakness. Aching at night which can affect your sleep.

How do I manage it? Avoid things that make the shoulder worse although do not stop moving the arm completely. Gently hold an ice pack (or bag of frozen peas) wrapped in a towel on your shoulder for 15 to 20 minutes a few times a day.

Rib Stress Fracture

What is it? They are tiny cracks in the bones.

What is it caused by? Caused by repetitive force, often from overuse.

What are the symptoms? Pain, tenderness and swelling.

How do I manage it? Stop the activity causing the pain, applying ice and resting.

Hip CAM and Pincer Impingement

What is it? The neck of the femur bone “bumps” or impinges on the rim of the deep socket.

What is it caused by? Structurally abnormal ball-and-joint socket and repetitive activity.

What are the symptoms? Stiffness, inability to flex the hip beyond a right angle, pain in the groin and/ or hip area.

How do I manage it? Pain management and physiotherapy. 

Thoracic Pain

What is it? Back pain which is located at the back of the chest, inbetween the shoulder blades.

What is it caused by? Inflammation of the muscles or soft tissues of the thoracic spine.

What are the symptoms? Persistent pain, sudden sharp pains, stiffness, radiating back pain and/ or numbness, tingling and weakness.

How do I manage it? Relieve tension with stretching and massage treatments. 

De Quervain Syndrome

What is it? Affects the tendons on the thumb side of your wrist.

What is it caused by? Chronic overuse of the wrist - repetitive movements.

What are the symptoms? Irritation and pain.

How do I manage it? Immobilising your thumb and wrist, keeping them straight in a brace will help to rest your tendons.

Intersection Syndrome

What is it? Affects the first and second compartments of the dorsal wrist extensors.

What is it caused by? Occurs due to a repetitive frictions at the junction in which the tenders cross.

What are the symptoms? A pain to the wrist or forearm aggravated by flexion or extension.

How do I manage it? Immobilising your thumb and wrist, keeping them straight in a brace will help to rest your tendons.